- Live Tournaments
- 14th Russian Renju Championship (2006). Major League. Rybinsk, 18-26 Feb 2006.
- Renju games on PBeM
RIF rules:
- (1997-31.12.2002, 2.01 Mb) + (some games of WC2001, 177 Kb)
- (01.01.2003-31.01.2004, 0.99 Mb)
- (01.02.2004-31.01.2005, 918 Kb)
- (01.02.2005-28.02.2006, 714 Kb)
- (01.03.2006-05.03.2007, 685 Kb)
- (06.03.2007-10.03.2009, 751 Kb)
Yamaguchi openings rule:
- (2005-10.03.2009, 71.9 Kb)
Zen-Nihon Renju Renmei rules, 17x17 or 19x19 board:
- (2005-02.04.2007, 109 Kb)
WRL rules, 17x17 board:
- (01.2007-10.03.2009, 407 Kb)
- Gomoku games on PBeM (1997-05.11.2010, 576 Kb)
- Viewer for the files from 1. and 2. (236 Kb)
- Converter: Renjusha.net to PBeM-text (119 Kb)
- Viewer designed by A.Potapov
- RenLib by Frank Arkbo
- Self-testing tool (Microsoft themes: 8 575 test questions with answers. System requirements - Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, IE 4.0 or higher must be installed)
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